• Enhance collaboration and streamline communication across stakeholders, ensuring a unified and cohesive approach to governance, risk management, and compliance.

  • Empower users with a highly customizable system that caters to their unique perspectives and needs, enabling them to efficiently carry out their roles and responsibilities.

  • Gain real-time visibility and comprehensive insights into the organization's risk landscape, compliance status, and overall performance.

  • Drive informed decision-making with actionable data and analytics, enabling stakeholders to proactively address risks and seize opportunities.

  • Simplify and automate complex processes, saving time and effort for all stakeholders and enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives.

  • Foster a culture of compliance and accountability, with clear responsibilities and streamlined workflows for efficient execution.

Want to discuss how EIT can help your organization?

Contact us now!

Outstanding Holistic Stakeholder Support

From Owners to Employees and Externals

Asset owners (products, processes, systems, facilities, data, etc.)

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everybody wins

Unlock the potential of your organization

Welcome to Acrea, where we believe that every stakeholder in your organization deserves a seamless and efficient working day. Our innovative GRC system, EIT, offers exceptional customization support and an unparalleled level of automation, transforming the way all stakeholders operate and collaborate across departments and functions.

  • Customization for All Stakeholders: Customization lies at the core of EIT, allowing each stakeholder to tailor the platform to their specific needs and responsibilities. Whether you are a compliance officer, risk manager, information security professional, or any other stakeholder, our system empowers you to create personalized dashboards, reports, and workflows that align perfectly with your role and objectives.

  • The Power of Automation: Automation is the key to streamlining processes and optimizing productivity for all stakeholders. Our advanced automation capabilities revolutionize your working day by eliminating manual and repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for more strategic initiatives.

  • Collaboration Centralized: Imagine a centralized hub where all stakeholders can seamlessly collaborate, communicate, and share information. EIT fosters collaboration by providing a unified platform for cross-functional teams to work together on risk management, compliance, governance, and other critical areas.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Data is the lifeblood of effective decision-making, and EIT leverages the power of data analytics to provide actionable insights for all stakeholders. With advanced reporting capabilities, interactive dashboards, and analytics, you can gain a comprehensive view of organizational performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

  • Empowering Every Stakeholder: EIT is designed to enhance the working day of all stakeholders, from the CEO and management teams to compliance officers, risk managers, and beyond. Experience the transformative power of a customizable and automated GRC system that enables you to focus on strategic initiatives, drive performance, and ensure compliance across the organization.

Don't let outdated systems and fragmented processes hinder your organization's growth. Contact us today to discover how EIT's exceptional customization support and automation level can revolutionize the working day of all stakeholders. Unlock the full potential of your organization and pave the way for seamless collaboration, informed decision-making, and sustainable success. Your journey towards optimized workflows and enhanced productivity starts here.

employees and consultants

A better workday

EIT revolutionizes the working day of employees and in-house consultants by offering exceptional customization support and automation. Here's how our solution improves for everyone:

  • Streamlined Workflows: EIT automates repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives. By eliminating manual data entry and streamlining workflows, you can increase productivity and accomplish more in less time.

  • Customizable Dashboards: Tailor your dashboard to display the information and metrics most relevant to your role. Access real-time data, track progress, and gain valuable insights at a glance, enhancing your decision-making capabilities.

  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration and seamless communication across teams and departments. Our system provides integrated messaging and collaboration tools, facilitating efficient information sharing and teamwork.

  • Training and Development: Access e-learning and training modules within the system, enabling continuous learning and professional development. Stay updated with industry trends and regulations, enhancing your expertise and career growth.

  • Document Management: Store, organize, and access important documents and files securely within our system. Effortlessly retrieve information and collaborate on documents with ease, reducing time spent searching for crucial files.

  • Task Management and Reminders: Stay organized with task management features that allow you to assign, track, and prioritize tasks. Automated reminders ensure important deadlines are met, keeping you on top of your responsibilities.

  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate comprehensive reports and leverage analytics tools to gain actionable insights. Analyze trends, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate your contributions with data-driven reports.

  • Risk and Compliance Monitoring: EIT enables you to monitor and manage risk and compliance requirements efficiently. Automated alerts and notifications keep you informed of any non-compliant activities, allowing for prompt action.

  • Enhanced Data Security: Protect sensitive data with robust security features. EIT ensures data integrity and compliance with data protection regulations, giving you peace of mind.

  • Integrated System Ecosystem: Seamlessly integrate EIT with existing software and platforms, eliminating data silos and enhancing data visibility. Enjoy a unified user experience and efficient data exchange across systems.

With EIT's exceptional customization support and automation, employees and in-house consultants can streamline their workflows, collaborate effectively, and make data-driven decisions. Experience increased productivity, improved communication, and a more efficient workday with EIT.

owners and boards

Increase the power of ownership and board governance

Welcome to Acrea, where we recognize the vital role of owners and boards in driving organizational success and ensuring effective governance. Our cutting-edge GRC system, EIT, is specifically designed to empower owners and boards like you, offering exceptional customization support and an unmatched level of automation to enhance your working day and drive strategic decision-making.

  • Revolutionizing Governance for Owners and Boards: As an owner or board member, your responsibilities are vast, and your time is valuable. EIT revolutionizes your working day by streamlining processes, automating routine tasks, and providing real-time insights, allowing you to focus on high-level governance, risk management, and strategic planning.

  • Customization for Your Unique Needs: Customization lies at the heart of EIT, empowering owners and boards to tailor the platform to their specific needs and objectives. From personalized dashboards and configurable reports to customizable key performance indicators (KPIs) and governance frameworks, our system adapts seamlessly to your unique governance style and organizational requirements. Embrace a GRC system that aligns perfectly with your vision, priorities, and governance approach.

  • The Game-Changer: Automation: Automation is a game-changer for owners and boards, enabling you to make data-driven decisions, monitor organizational performance, and effectively manage risks. Our advanced automation capabilities eliminate manual data collection, analysis, and reporting, providing you with real-time, accurate information at your fingertips. Stay informed and proactive with automated risk assessments, compliance monitoring, and performance tracking, enabling you to lead with confidence and guide the organization towards its strategic goals.

  • Cutting-edge Analytics for Decision-making: Imagine having a GRC system that consolidates data from across the organization, generates comprehensive reports, and provides actionable insights in an instant. With our cutting-edge analytics and algorithms, you gain a holistic view of the organization's performance, risks, and compliance status. Leverage the power of automation to identify trends, detect emerging risks, and make well-informed decisions that drive sustainable growth.

  • Enhancing Collaboration and Alignment: Collaboration and communication are vital for owners and boards to ensure effective governance and alignment. EIT facilitates seamless collaboration, enabling you to share critical information, delegate tasks, and track progress in real-time. Foster transparency, accountability, and effective communication among board members, management, and stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards shared goals.

  • Empowering Strategic Governance: Experience the power of a GRC system that adapts to your evolving needs, enhances your decision-making capabilities, and empowers you to govern with confidence. Our exceptional customization support and unparalleled automation capabilities will revolutionize your working day as an owner or board member. Say goodbye to manual processes, information gaps, and time-consuming tasks. Embrace a GRC system that enables you to focus on strategic governance, oversight, and driving organizational success.

Don't let outdated tools and inefficiencies hinder your governance potential. Contact us today to discover how EIT can transform your working day, optimize decision-making processes, and elevate your governance practices. Your journey towards empowered ownership and board governance starts here.

CEO and management teams

Unleash your leadership and governance potential

Welcome to Acrea, where we understand the critical role of CEOs and management teams in driving strategic decisions and ensuring organizational success. Our state-of-the-art GRC system, EIT, is designed to empower leaders like you by offering exceptional customization support and an unmatched level of automation, transforming the way you navigate governance, risk, and compliance.

  • Optimizing Time for CEOs and Management Teams: As a CEO or member of the management team, your time is invaluable. Our GRC system revolutionizes your working day by streamlining processes, automating routine tasks, and providing real-time insights, allowing you to focus on driving the organization's growth and achieving strategic objectives.

  • Customization for Effective Leadership: Customization is at the core of EIT, enabling CEOs and management teams to tailor the platform to their specific needs and objectives. From personalized dashboards and configurable reports to customizable key performance indicators (KPIs) and decision-making frameworks, our system adapts seamlessly to your leadership style and organizational requirements. Embrace a GRC system that aligns perfectly with your vision, priorities, and decision-making processes.

  • Automation: The Catalyst for Quick Decisions: Automation is a game-changer for CEOs and management teams, empowering you to make data-driven decisions, identify emerging risks, and seize new opportunities with speed and confidence. Our advanced automation capabilities eliminate manual data collection, analysis, and reporting, providing you with real-time, accurate information at your fingertips. Stay ahead of the curve with automated risk assessments, compliance monitoring, and performance tracking, enabling proactive management and strategic decision-making.

  • Data-Driven Insights for Holistic Management: Imagine having a GRC system that consolidates data from multiple sources, generates comprehensive reports, and provides actionable insights in a fraction of the time. With our cutting-edge analytics and algorithms, you gain a holistic view of your organization's performance, risks, and compliance status. Harness the power of automation to drive informed decision-making, identify trends, and allocate resources effectively.

  • Facilitating Teamwork and Accountability: Collaboration and communication are essential for CEOs and management teams to drive organizational alignment and foster a culture of accountability. EIT facilitates seamless collaboration, enabling you to share critical information, delegate tasks, and track progress in real-time. Break down silos and promote cross-functional teamwork, ensuring everyone is aligned with your strategic objectives and working towards a shared vision.

  • Empowering Leadership: Experience the power of a GRC system that adapts to your evolving needs, enhances your decision-making capabilities, and empowers you to lead with confidence. Our exceptional customization support and unparalleled automation capabilities will revolutionize your working day as a CEO or member of the management team. Say goodbye to manual processes, information gaps, and time-consuming tasks. Embrace a GRC system that enables you to focus on what matters most – leading your organization to new heights of success.

Don't let outdated tools and inefficiencies hinder your leadership potential. Contact us today to discover how EIT can transform your working day, optimize decision-making processes, and drive sustainable growth. Your journey towards empowered leadership starts here.

Risk Officers

Transform the workday of Risk Officers

At Acrea, we understand the challenges faced by risk officers in today's complex business landscape. That's why our GRC system, EIT, offers unparalleled customization support and a high level of automation, empowering risk officers to excel in their roles and drive organizational resilience.

  • Tailoring the Platform for Risk Officers: With EIT, risk officers can easily tailor the platform to their specific needs and preferences. Customization options abound, from personalized dashboards and reports to configurable risk models and assessment methods. Say goodbye to rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions - EIT puts you in control.

  • Simplifying Tasks through Automation: Automation is at the heart of EIT, simplifying and streamlining repetitive tasks that often consume a risk officer's valuable time. Say farewell to manual data entry, tedious compliance monitoring, and labor-intensive risk assessments. Our intelligent automation capabilities take care of these mundane tasks, allowing risk officers to focus on strategic initiatives and critical decision-making.

  • Analytics for Insightful Risk Management: Imagine having a system that automatically generates insightful reports, identifies trends, and alerts you to potential risks and compliance issues. With EIT's advanced analytics and algorithms, you gain unparalleled visibility into your organization's risk landscape. Make data-driven decisions confidently and proactively mitigate risks.

  • Fostering Teamwork in Risk Management: Collaboration is essential in risk management, and EIT facilitates seamless teamwork. With easy-to-use collaboration features, risk officers can collaborate with stakeholders across the organization, sharing information, assigning tasks, and tracking progress effortlessly. Stay connected and work together efficiently, ensuring everyone is aligned towards mitigating risks effectively.

  • Adaptability and Productivity for Risk Officers: Experience a GRC system that adapts to your unique requirements, evolves with your organization, and enhances your productivity. EIT´s exceptional customization support and automation level revolutionize the working day of risk officers, enabling them to focus on what truly matters: identifying, assessing, and managing risks to protect the organization's reputation and drive long-term success.

Unlock the full potential of your risk management function. Contact us today to learn more about how EIT can transform your risk officer's workday and elevate your risk management practices to new heights.


Unprecedented efficiency for Compliance Officers

Welcome to Acrea, where we understand the vital role of compliance officers in ensuring regulatory adherence and safeguarding the integrity of your organization. Our GRC system, EIT, is meticulously designed to elevate your productivity and streamline compliance processes through exceptional customization support and a groundbreaking level of automation.

  • Customization for Compliance Officers: Customization is the cornerstone of EIT, empowering compliance officers to tailor the platform to their specific needs and preferences. From personalized dashboards and customizable reports to configurable workflows and compliance frameworks, our system adapts seamlessly to your unique compliance requirements. Say goodbye to rigid solutions and embrace a GRC system that aligns perfectly with your organizational structure and compliance objectives.

  • Automating Compliance Tasks: Automation is at the forefront of EIT, revolutionizing the way compliance officers work. Time-consuming manual tasks, such as data entry, tracking regulatory changes, and monitoring compliance activities, are now a thing of the past. Our advanced automation capabilities handle these labor-intensive activities effortlessly, enabling you to focus on strategic initiatives and proactive compliance management.

  • Proactive Compliance Monitoring and Reporting: Imagine having a GRC system that proactively identifies compliance gaps, automates compliance monitoring, and generates comprehensive reports with a single click. With our cutting-edge analytics and algorithms, you gain real-time insights and predictive analytics to identify emerging compliance risks and take preemptive actions. Stay ahead of the regulatory curve and ensure adherence to complex compliance frameworks effortlessly.

  • Teamwork in Compliance Management: Collaboration and communication are paramount in the realm of compliance, and EIT facilitates seamless teamwork across your organization. Engage with stakeholders, share compliance-related information, assign and track tasks, and foster a culture of compliance awareness. By streamlining communication and collaboration, our system enhances efficiency and promotes a unified approach to compliance management.

  • Empowering Comprehensive Compliance: Experience the power of a GRC system that adapts to your evolving needs, redefines your workflow, and revolutionizes your compliance practices. With exceptional customization support and unparalleled automation, EIT empowers you to navigate complex regulatory landscapes with ease, mitigate compliance risks, and ensure ongoing regulatory adherence.

Don't let outdated compliance processes and inefficient tools hinder your success. Contact us today to discover how EIT can transform your working day as a compliance officer, enhance your compliance management capabilities, and drive sustainable compliance excellence. Your journey towards effortless compliance starts here.

hr officers

Support your most important resources - your employees

Welcome to Acrea, where we understand the challenges faced by HR officers in managing complex human resources processes efficiently. Our cutting-edge GRC system, EIT, offers exceptional customization support and an unmatched level of automation, empowering HR officers to streamline their workflows, drive compliance, and optimize employee management.

  • Tailoring Customization for HR Officers: Customization is at the heart of our GRC system, enabling HR officers to tailor the platform to their specific needs and requirements. Say goodbye to rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions. With our system, you can create personalized HR dashboards, reports, and workflows that align seamlessly with your unique HR processes. From managing employee data, onboarding and offboarding procedures, performance evaluations, training programs, to policy enforcement, EIT empowers you to customize the platform to meet your HR objectives effectively.

  • Revolutionizing HR through Automation: Automation revolutionizes your HR operations by eliminating manual and time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives that drive employee engagement and organizational growth. Our advanced automation capabilities automate routine HR processes, such as leave management, employee data updates, performance reviews, compliance tracking, and more. Experience enhanced productivity, reduced administrative burden, and improved accuracy, freeing up valuable time to concentrate on high-value HR activities.

  • Centralized HR Management: Imagine a centralized platform where you can seamlessly manage all HR-related activities and collaborate with other stakeholders. EIT provides a unified hub for HR officers to efficiently handle employee records, benefits administration, training and development programs, policy management, and more. With secure document sharing, real-time communication, and task delegation features, you can collaborate effectively with other departments and ensure HR initiatives align with overall organizational goals.

  • Leveraging Data for HR Insights: Data-driven decision-making is essential in HR, and EIT leverages the power of data analytics to provide valuable insights into your workforce. With interactive dashboards, customizable reports, and analytics, you can gain deep visibility into employee performance, turnover rates, training needs, diversity metrics, and other key HR metrics. Make informed decisions to drive employee engagement, identify skill gaps, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Transforming HR with EIT: EIT is designed to elevate HR officers' productivity and effectiveness, enabling you to streamline processes, drive compliance, and cultivate a positive employee experience. Say goodbye to cumbersome spreadsheets, manual data entry, and disjointed HR systems. Embrace a comprehensive HR solution that integrates customization and automation to transform your HR operations and maximize your impact on the organization.

Don't let outdated HR systems hinder your ability to effectively manage your workforce. Contact us today to discover how EIT's exceptional customization support and automation level can revolutionize your HR practices. Experience seamless workflows, increased productivity, and enhanced employee management with our state-of-the-art GRC system. Unleash the full potential of your HR department and empower your organization to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.

security and information security officers

Elevate and automate security

Welcome to Acrea, where we recognize the critical role of information security officers in safeguarding your organization's sensitive data and digital assets. Our advanced GRC system, EIT, is meticulously designed to enhance your effectiveness and efficiency by offering exceptional customization support and an unparalleled level of automation.

  • Customization at its best: Customization lies at the heart of EIT, empowering information security officers to tailor the platform to their specific requirements and preferences. From personalized dashboards and configurable risk assessments to customizable security policies and compliance frameworks, our system adapts seamlessly to your organization's unique security landscape. Bid farewell to one-size-fits-all solutions and embrace a GRC system that aligns perfectly with your security objectives and operational realities.

  • The Power of Automation: Automation is a game-changer in EIT, revolutionizing the way information security officers work. Time-consuming manual tasks, such as data collection, vulnerability scanning, and incident response, are now automated, freeing up your valuable time for strategic initiatives and proactive security measures. Our advanced automation capabilities enable you to stay one step ahead of potential threats and ensure a robust security posture.

  • Cutting-edge Analytics and Threat Detection: With our cutting-edge analytics and algorithms, you gain real-time insights and actionable intelligence to proactively identify and mitigate security risks. Leverage the power of automation to enhance threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management, all with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

  • Enhancing collaboration and Communication: Collaboration and communication are vital in the field of information security, and EIT facilitates seamless teamwork across your organization. Engage with stakeholders, share security-related information, assign and track tasks, and foster a culture of security awareness. By streamlining communication and collaboration, our system enhances efficiency and promotes a unified approach to information security.

  • Elevate your Information Security Practices: Experience the power of a GRC system that adapts to your evolving needs, redefines your workflow, and revolutionizes your information security practices. With exceptional customization support and unparalleled automation, EIT empowers you to navigate the ever-changing threat landscape, mitigate security risks, and ensure continuous compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Don't let outdated security practices and inefficient tools impede your success. Contact us today to discover how EIT can transform your working day as an information security officer, enhance your security management capabilities, and drive sustainable security excellence. Your journey towards uncompromising information security starts here.

procurement officers

Optimize procurement and implementation

Welcome to Acrea, where we understand the challenges faced by procurement officers in managing complex procurement processes efficiently. Our advanced GRC system, EIT, offers exceptional customization support and an unmatched level of automation, empowering procurement officers to streamline their workflows, enhance compliance, and drive strategic sourcing initiatives.

  • Customization for Procurement Excellence: Customization is key to EIT, allowing procurement officers to tailor the platform to their specific needs and requirements. Bid farewell to rigid, off-the-shelf solutions. With our system, you can create personalized procurement dashboards, reports, and workflows that align seamlessly with your unique procurement processes. From supplier management, contract management, purchase requisitions, to spend analysis and compliance monitoring, EIT enables you to customize the platform to meet your procurement objectives effectively.

  • Automating for Efficiency and Strategic Focus: Automation revolutionizes your procurement operations by eliminating manual and time-consuming tasks, enabling you to focus on strategic initiatives that drive cost savings and supplier optimization. Our advanced automation capabilities automate routine procurement processes, supplier onboarding, contract renewals, and more. Experience enhanced productivity, reduced administrative burden, and improved accuracy, freeing up valuable time to concentrate on strategic supplier partnerships and negotiation.

  • The Power of Centralized Procurement Management: Imagine having a centralized platform where you can seamlessly manage all procurement-related activities and collaborate with suppliers and internal stakeholders. EIT provides a unified hub for procurement officers to efficiently handle compliance monitoring, risk assessments, and performance evaluations. With secure document sharing, real-time communication, and task delegation features, you can collaborate effectively with suppliers and other departments, ensuring seamless procurement operations.

  • Data-Driven Procurement Decisions: Data-driven decision-making is essential in procurement, and EIT leverages the power of data analytics to provide valuable insights into your procurement processes. With interactive dashboards, customizable reports and analytics, you can gain deep visibility into supplier performance, contract compliance, spend analysis, and other key procurement metrics. Make informed decisions to optimize your supplier base, negotiate favorable terms, and drive cost savings across your organization.

  • Revolutionizing Procurement with EIT: EIT is designed to elevate procurement officers' productivity and effectiveness, enabling you to streamline processes, enhance compliance, and foster strategic supplier relationships. Say goodbye to manual data entry, disjointed procurement systems, and inefficient supplier management. Embrace a comprehensive procurement solution that integrates customization and automation to transform your procurement operations and drive strategic value for your organization.

Don't let outdated procurement systems hinder your ability to effectively manage your suppliers and drive cost savings. Contact us today to discover how EIT's exceptional customization support and automation level can revolutionize your procurement practices. Experience seamless workflows, increased productivity, and enhanced supplier management with our state-of-the-art GRC system. Unlock the full potential of your procurement department and empower your organization to thrive in today's competitive business landscape.

sustainability officers

Ensure sustainability processes

Empower your sustainability officers with our GRC system's exceptional customization support and automation level. Say goodbye to manual processes and embrace a more efficient and impactful approach.

  • Customization Excellence: Tailor the system to your unique sustainability requirements, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your goals and initiatives. From carbon footprint tracking to social responsibility assessments, EIT adapts to your needs.

  • Automate for Success: Streamline your sustainability efforts with automated processes. Say goodbye to time-consuming data collection and analysis. EIT automates data gathering, generates insightful reports, and monitors progress effortlessly.

  • Real-Time Insights: Gain real-time visibility into your sustainability performance. Access comprehensive dashboards and reports that provide valuable metrics, trends, and actionable insights. Stay ahead of the game and make data-driven decisions with ease.

  • Collaborate and Engage: Foster collaboration and engagement across your organization. EIT enables seamless communication and knowledge sharing, ensuring everyone is aligned and motivated towards sustainable practices.

  • Compliance Made Easy: Stay compliant with regulations and standards effortlessly. EIT monitors requirements, automates compliance checks, and generates audit-ready reports, saving you time and effort.

  • Flexible Deployment: Choose between our secure EIT Cloud or in-house operations, depending on your specific preferences and requirements. We provide a flexible and reliable solution that suits your organization's needs.

Unlock the full potential of your sustainability efforts with EIT's exceptional customization support and automation level to drive sustainable change like never before.

Asset owners (products, processes, systems, facilities, data, etc.)

Efficiency and control to asset owners

Unlock the full potential of your assets and streamline your day-to-day operations with our GRC system's exceptional customization support and automation.

Discover how our solution enhances the working day of asset owners:

  • Customization for Your Unique Needs: Tailor the system to align with your specific asset management requirements, allowing you to capture and track data, processes, and workflows that matter most to you.

  • Centralized Asset Management: Consolidate all your assets in a single, integrated platform for easy access, visibility, and control. Say goodbye to scattered systems and spreadsheets.

  • Automated Workflows and Processes: Automate routine tasks such as asset registration, documentation, and maintenance scheduling. Save time, reduce manual effort, and enhance accuracy.

  • Real-time Data Insights: Access real-time analytics and reports to gain valuable insights into asset performance, utilization, and compliance. Make informed decisions and optimize resource allocation.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments and implement proactive mitigation strategies to safeguard your assets. Identify vulnerabilities and prioritize risk management efforts.

  • Compliance and Regulatory Alignment: Ensure adherence to industry standards, regulatory requirements, and internal policies. Streamline compliance activities, track obligations, and monitor audit trails.

  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration among asset owners, stakeholders, and teams. Share information, track progress, and streamline communication for efficient asset management.

  • Integration and Data Syncing: Seamlessly integrate with existing systems, such as CMDB or ITSM, to automatically import and synchronize asset data. Eliminate manual data entry and enhance data accuracy.

Take control of your assets with EIT. Request a demo to explore how our solution empowers asset owners to optimize performance, mitigate risks, and achieve operational excellence.

data protection officers

Automate and ensure data protection

Discover how our GRC system, EIT, revolutionizes the role of data protection officers, streamlining the registration of data processing and data flows, conducting risk assessments (DPIA), facilitating incident/case reporting and resolution, and ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With exceptional customization support and advanced automation capabilities, EIT empower you to optimize your working day and enhance data protection efforts.

  • Effortless Registration and Tracking: Simplify the process of registering data processing activities and data flows within your organization. EIT provides intuitive tools that enable you to document and manage this critical information effortlessly.

  • Distribution to Process and System Owners: Say goodbye to manual data distribution. EIT automates the distribution of registration information to relevant process and system owners, ensuring transparency and accountability across your organization.

  • Automated Control Triggers: Seamlessly integrate relevant controls into your data protection processes. EIT automatically triggers the necessary controls based on the registered data processing activities, allowing you to proactively identify and address any compliance gaps.

  • Streamlined Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports with ease. EIT compiles all relevant data processing information, processing reasons, and legal grounds, enabling you to efficiently report on your compliance status and demonstrate adherence to the GDPR.

  • Efficient Risk Assessments: Conduct thorough and efficient Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) with EIT. Customize the assessment process to match your organizational requirements, automate risk scoring, and streamline mitigation strategies.

  • Incident/Case Reporting and Resolution: Simplify the reporting and resolution of data protection incidents and cases. EIT provides a centralized platform for capturing and managing incidents/cases, enabling swift resolution and compliance with GDPR incident reporting obligations.

  • Exceptional Customization: Tailor the system to meet your unique requirements. EIT offers exceptional customization support, allowing you to adapt the interface, workflows, and data fields to align with your specific data protection needs.

  • Automation for Efficiency: Embrace automation to increase efficiency and save valuable time. EIT automates repetitive tasks, eliminates manual data entry, and streamlines workflows, freeing you to focus on strategic initiatives and higher-value activities.

  • Stay Compliant and Proactive: EIT empowers data protection officers to stay ahead of compliance challenges. With automated controls, streamlined reporting, customizable risk assessments, and incident/case resolution capabilities, you can proactively monitor and manage data protection processes, ensuring ongoing adherence to the GDPR.

  • Experience the Power of Customization and Automation: Discover how EIT revolutionizes the role of data protection officers, empowering you to streamline data processing registrations, automate control triggers, conduct efficient risk assessments (DPIA), facilitate incident/case reporting and resolution, and ensure compliance with the GDPR. Boost efficiency, achieve regulatory compliance, and gain peace of mind with our exceptional customization support and automation capabilities.

Book a demo today to see firsthand how EIT can transform your data protection practices, streamline risk assessments, enhance incident/case reporting and resolution, and ensure GDPR compliance. Experience the power of customization and automation to elevate your role as a data protection officer.

Business and IT architects

Elevate the architect role with EIT

Experience a paradigm shift in your daily activities as a business and IT architect with EIT's exceptional customization support and automation. Here's how our solution enhances your working day:

  • Tailored Solutions: Customize the system to align with your unique business and IT architecture needs. Capture and visualize crucial data, processes, and dependencies to drive effective decision-making.

  • Streamlined Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly with stakeholders, project teams, and business units. Share architectural artifacts, track changes, and gather valuable feedback for efficient collaboration.

  • Automated Documentation: Simplify the documentation process by automating the generation of architectural artifacts, diagrams, and reports. Save time and ensure accuracy with dynamically updated documentation.

  • Enhanced Governance and Compliance: Ensure alignment with regulatory frameworks and industry standards. Streamline governance processes, track compliance requirements, and monitor architectural integrity.

  • Integrated Risk Management: Identify and mitigate risks associated with business and IT architecture. Conduct comprehensive risk assessments, track mitigation actions, and ensure the resilience of your architectural landscape.

  • Data-driven Decision-making: Leverage real-time analytics and reporting capabilities to gain insights into your architectural landscape. Make data-driven decisions to optimize resource allocation and drive strategic initiatives.

  • Efficient Change Management: Streamline the management of architectural changes, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum alignment with business objectives. Automate change impact analysis and maintain architectural consistency.

  • Seamless Integration: Integrate EIT with your existing architecture tools and repositories. Enable data synchronization and leverage the power of a comprehensive ecosystem for holistic architectural management.

Elevate your role as a business and IT architect with EIT. Request a demo to discover how our solution empowers you to create, manage, and evolve resilient architectures that drive business success.

incident managers

Comprehensive view to resolve and prevent

Streamline incident management processes and empower incident managers with EIT's exceptional customization support and automation. With our solution, incident managers experience a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and control. Benefit from:

  • Customization Support: Tailor incident management workflows, forms, and processes to align with your organization's unique requirements, ensuring a perfect fit for your incident management practices.

  • Automated Incident Tracking: Automate incident tracking, escalation, and resolution processes, eliminating manual effort and reducing response times.

  • Real-time Incident Monitoring: Gain real-time visibility into incident status, trends, and performance metrics, enabling proactive decision-making and swift action.

  • Collaborative Incident Response: Facilitate collaboration among incident managers, stakeholders, and response teams, ensuring seamless communication and coordinated efforts.

  • Comprehensive Incident Reporting: Generate detailed incident reports with ease, capturing all relevant information and supporting compliance requirements.

  • Analytics and Insights: Leverage advanced analytics to identify patterns, root causes, and emerging risks, enabling proactive incident prevention and continuous improvement.

  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate with existing systems and data sources, enabling seamless information sharing and automating incident data imports.

Transform your incident management processes and enhance the effectiveness of your incident managers. Schedule a personalized demo to witness how EIT revolutionizes incident management.

business managers

Facilitate leadership and governance

Unlock the full potential of your business management capabilities with EIT's exceptional customization support and advanced automation features. Designed to adapt to the unique needs of all types of management processes, our system empowers you to drive organizational success, streamline operations, and make informed decisions with ease.

  • Tailored to Your Business Needs: EIT offers unparalleled customization support, allowing business managers to tailor the system to their specific requirements. Customize workflows, dashboards, and reports to align with your organization's business processes and goals, ensuring a seamless fit and maximum efficiency.

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamline your day-to-day operations with EIT's advanced automation capabilities. Automate routine tasks, data collection, and reporting, freeing up valuable time for strategic decision-making. Reduce manual effort and increase productivity across your business functions.

  • Comprehensive Data Insights: Gain valuable insights into your business performance through EIT's intuitive analytics and reporting capabilities. Access real-time data dashboards, track key performance indicators, and identify trends and patterns. Make data-driven decisions to optimize processes, mitigate risks, and seize growth opportunities.

  • Risk Management Excellence: Effectively manage risks across your organization with EIT's robust risk management features. Conduct risk assessments, define mitigation strategies, and monitor risk controls. Automate risk monitoring and generate comprehensive reports, ensuring proactive risk management and compliance.

  • Streamlined Compliance: Simplify compliance management with EIT's compliance module. Customize compliance workflows, automate regulatory updates, and centralize compliance documentation. Stay ahead of regulatory requirements, track compliance status, and generate compliance reports effortlessly.

  • Efficient Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration and improve communication within your organization through EIT's collaboration tools. Create shared workspaces, enable document sharing, and streamline communication among teams. Enhance transparency and alignment across departments and stakeholders.

  • Seamless Integration: EIT seamlessly integrates with existing business management tools and systems, ensuring data continuity and enabling smooth workflow transitions. Integrate with popular software solutions, financial systems, HR systems, and more. Leverage the power of an interconnected ecosystem to drive operational excellence.

  • Experience the Power of Customization and Automation: Elevate your business management practices to new heights with our GRC system's exceptional customization support and automation level. Optimize operations, enhance decision-making, and drive business growth with confidence.

Schedule a demo today to experience firsthand how our customization support and automation features can revolutionize your business management processes. Discover the future of efficient and agile business operations with EIT.

IT managers

Overview and control in a complex environment

Discover how our GRC system, EIT, revolutionizes the working day of IT managers, providing exceptional customization support and advanced automation capabilities. Seamlessly adapt EIT to your organization's unique IT landscape and automate key processes, empowering IT managers to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and ensure optimal performance.

  • Tailored to Your IT Environment: EIT offers exceptional customization support, allowing IT managers to tailor EIT to their specific IT environment. Customize workflows, data fields, and dashboards to align with your organization's IT processes, ensuring a seamless fit and effortless adoption.

  • Automated IT Governance: Streamline IT governance and compliance with EIT's advanced automation features. Automate routine tasks, such as policy enforcement, and IT asset tracking, freeing up valuable time for IT managers to focus on strategic initiatives.

  • Centralized IT Asset Management: Gain complete visibility and control over your IT assets. Track asset lifecycles, monitor compliance, and optimize resource allocation with ease.

  • Efficient Incident and Change Management: Simplify incident and change management processes with EIT. Automate incident reporting, classification, and resolution workflows, enabling IT managers to swiftly address issues and minimize disruptions. Streamline change management processes with automated approvals and notifications, ensuring seamless transitions and minimizing risks.

  • Customizable Risk Assessments: Conduct comprehensive risk assessments tailored to your IT environment. EIT enables IT managers to customize risk assessment frameworks, automate risk scoring, and generate actionable insights to mitigate IT risks effectively.

  • Enhanced IT Compliance: Ensure IT compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. EIT provides automated compliance monitoring, control assessments, and compliance reporting, enabling IT managers to proactively identify and address compliance gaps.

  • Streamlined Vendor Management: Simplify vendor management processes with EIT. Automate vendor assessments, contract management, and performance monitoring, ensuring optimal vendor relationships and mitigating potential risks.

  • Real-Time Analytics and Reporting: Gain valuable insights into your IT operations with real-time analytics and reporting. EIT offers customizable dashboards and reports, empowering IT managers to make data-driven decisions and monitor key performance indicators effortlessly.

  • Seamless Integration and Scalability: EIT seamlessly integrates with existing IT systems, including IT service management (ITSM), configuration management databases (CMDB), and other data sources. It offers scalability to accommodate your organization's growth and evolving IT needs.

  • Unlock the Potential of Customization and Automation: Experience the power of EIT's exceptional customization support and automation capabilities to streamline IT operations, enhance decision-making, and ensure optimal performance. Empower IT managers to drive efficiency, compliance, and innovation in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Schedule a demo today to discover how EIT can transform the working day of IT managers. See firsthand how our exceptional customization support and automation level can optimize IT processes, boost productivity, and drive strategic IT initiatives.

Project managers

Boost productivity in projects

Discover how our GRC system, EIT, empowers project managers to excel in their roles with exceptional customization support and advanced automation features. Seamlessly adapt the system to fit your unique project management needs and automate key processes, enabling you to effectively plan, execute, and monitor projects with ease.

  • Tailored to Your Project Management Needs: EIT offers exceptional customization support, allowing project managers to tailor the system to their specific project management methodologies and requirements. Customize workflows, templates, and dashboards to align with your organization's project management practices, ensuring a seamless fit and effortless adoption.

  • Efficient Project Planning and Execution: Streamline project planning and execution with EIT's advanced automation features. Automate tasks, milestones, and dependencies, enabling project managers to effectively allocate resources, track progress, and meet project deadlines. Benefit from automated notifications and alerts, ensuring timely communication and proactive risk management.

  • Collaborative Project Workspaces: Foster collaboration and enhance team productivity with EIT's project workspaces. Create dedicated spaces for project teams to share files, documents, and communicate seamlessly. Facilitate real-time collaboration, assign tasks, and track project-related discussions, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed.

  • Automated Task Management: Simplify task management and ensure accountability across project teams. EIT enables project managers to automate task assignments, monitor progress, and generate comprehensive reports. Streamline communication and reduce manual follow-ups, allowing project managers to focus on strategic decision-making.

  • Real-Time Project Monitoring: Gain real-time visibility into project performance with EIT's intuitive dashboards and reporting capabilities. Monitor key project metrics, track milestones, and identify potential bottlenecks or risks. Leverage actionable insights to make informed decisions and proactively address project issues.

  • Streamlined Risk Management: Mitigate project risks effectively with EIT's customizable risk management features. Conduct risk assessments, define risk mitigation strategies, and track risk mitigation actions. Automate risk monitoring and generate comprehensive risk reports, ensuring proactive risk management throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Effortless Stakeholder Communication: Enhance stakeholder engagement and communication with EIT. Centralize stakeholder information, automate stakeholder communication, and capture valuable feedback. Ensure effective stakeholder involvement and satisfaction throughout the project journey.

  • Seamless Integration and Scalability: EIT seamlessly integrates with existing systems, providing a unified platform for project managers to leverage, which ensures seamless collaboration and data flow.

  • Unlock the Potential of Customization and Automation: Experience the power of EIT's exceptional customization support and automation features to streamline project management, enhance team collaboration, and drive successful project outcomes. Empower your project managers to deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

Schedule a demo today to discover how EIT can revolutionize your project management processes. See firsthand how our exceptional customization support and automation level can optimize project execution, boost team productivity, and drive project success.

auditors and business controllers

Improve auditing and business control processes

Experience a new level of efficiency and effectiveness in auditing and business control with EIT's exceptional customization support and automation. Our solution is designed to optimize the working day of auditors and business controllers.

Discover the benefits:

  • Tailored Audit Workflows: Customize audit workflows and templates to align with your organization's unique requirements, ensuring a standardized and efficient audit process.

  • Automated Audit Planning: Automate audit planning activities, including scoping, scheduling, and resource allocation, saving time and reducing manual effort.

  • Streamlined Audit Execution: Seamlessly conduct audits with automated data collection, risk assessment, evidence gathering, and report generation, enhancing accuracy and productivity.

  • Centralized Audit Documentation: Maintain a centralized repository of audit documentation, enabling easy access, version control, and collaboration among auditors and stakeholders.

  • Compliance Tracking: Monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, internal policies, and industry standards, ensuring adherence and mitigating risks.

  • Risk-based Auditing: Leverage risk assessment capabilities to prioritize audit focus areas based on their impact and significance, ensuring efficient resource allocation.

  • Real-time Reporting and Insights: Generate comprehensive audit reports and dynamic dashboards with real-time insights, empowering data-driven decision-making and enabling proactive actions.

  • Integration and Data Import: Integrate with existing systems and import relevant data, automating data collection and analysis for more accurate and efficient audits.

Transform your auditing and business control practices with EIT. Request a demo to explore how our solution can empower auditors and business controllers to achieve greater effectiveness and compliance.